Author: Christoph Matt

Ein Autodidakt, der gerne Sachen baut, dicke Bücher liest, Software schreibt, erfahrener Netzwerk und Datacenter Engineer und mit einem Hang zu Open Source Technologien und Automatisierung. Stochert neugierig in einer mechanischen Schreibmaschine herum und versucht, den Satz vom unendlichen Affen zu beweisen.

Ich habe meine Karriere in der Veranstaltungstechnik begonnen und mich im Laufe der Jahre immer mehr in Richtung Enterprise entwickelt. Heute bin ich als Netzwerk- und Datacenter-Engineer tätig, wie Method Man sagt: „I went from entertainment to enterpreise“. Von DOS-Befehlen und Bash Skripten zu Routing und Switching, sowie Security und SDN, Linux, Python, FOSS, Virtualisierung und mehr.
Ich liebe es, neue Technologien zu entdecken und komplexe Netzwerke zu designen und zu implementieren. Es gibt immer etwas Neues zu lernen und ich genieße die Herausforderungen, die sich mir in meiner täglichen Arbeit stellen. Geheimwaffe: Autodidakt beim Lernen, lesen, basteln und Musik machen.

Friday Fact: The “Great Emu War” of 1932

    War veterans settling in Australia after World War I, the often-forgotten continent at the edge of the world, face an unusual challenge. A horde of 20,000 wild emus threatens their existence. The “Great Emu War” of 1932 unfolds as the army engages these nimble birds with machine guns. Despite intensive efforts and over 10,000 fired rounds, the war concludes with a bizarre victory for the emus.


    The 6 Most Popular API Architectures

      In our modern, digitally interconnected world, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a crucial role in software development. They act as connectors that allow different software components to communicate and interact with each other. This enables smooth data exchange, function calls, and seamless integration into various software systems. Over time, various API architectures have emerged to optimize these processes. Let’s take a closer look at the six most popular architectures:

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      Zero-Day Vulnerability in Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) and Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) Enables Akira Ransomware Attacks

        Cisco has issued a warning about a Zero-Day vulnerability in its Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) and Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) software, which has been exploited in Akira Ransomware attacks since August. The vulnerability (CVE-2023-20269) affects the remote access via VPN functionality in these Cisco products and can be exploited remotely without authentication through brute-force attacks. Attackers can establish a clientless SSL VPN session if they have valid user credentials. Cisco is actively working on security updates to address this vulnerability and advises customers to install the upgrade as soon as it becomes available.

        Relentless Power: The Butcher Babies at Cassiopeia Berlin 2023

          As a fervent metal enthusiast and a dedicated fan of the Butcher Babies, I had the extraordinary pleasure of witnessing the band live at the legendary Wacken Open Air Festival in 2022. Memories of that unforgettable event are still vivid and brimming with energy. And now, recently, on June 20, 2023, the heat in Cassiopeia was so intense that one could believe the devil himself had turned off the air conditioning. Yet, even amid the sweat and humid atmosphere, the Butcher Babies and their fans persevered valiantly. It was a true test of body and mind, akin to being in a sauna-like metal hell.

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